
Gravity Car Race Announcement

We are pleased to announce the Gravity Car Race. The race is one of the highlights of the High School Campus and it brings talented, creative minds together. The Gravity Car Race serves to familiarize students with the basic principles of gravity, pulley systems and force. Students will design and manufacture a gravity car using a pulley and a load as the power source.


In order to join the race, please follow the rules below.

Rules of the Race

  • Build a car that will move when a load is released from the pulley of the car (the pulley must be part of the car and move with the car).
  • The only force allowed on the vehicle must be the load hung on the pulley.
  • The maximum allowed height of the pulley is 1 meter only.
  • A car may contain one pulley and one load only.
  • The cars do not have to have 4 wheels, but all cars must have at least 1 wheel.
  • The distance recorded will be measured perpendicular to the starting line.
  • A team may contain a maximum of three students.
  • All cars will be inspected before the race.


  • The winner will be the car which travels the longest distance.
  • The three winning places will be identified and they will receive mystery prizes.
  • The participants will receive bonus marks from their respective Physics teachers.
  • All participants will receive a certificate.
  • A Best Designed Car award will be awarded.

Gravity Car Race T-shirt Design Challenge

  • Each class has to design, print and wear their own t-shirts.
  • Each class is allowed to have one design and color only.
  • On the T-shirts there must be the title: "Gravity Car Race".
  • The class of Best Designed T-Shirt will be awarded.
  • The deadline for the submission of entries to the t-shirt design competition is Tuesday, the 8th of January 2013.
  • Please note: This copy of the t-shirt will be kept for judging and not returned.

Gravity Car Race Video Clip Challenge

  • During the races, Zaman staff will be making video recordings.
  • After the race each class will receive the footage of their cars racing and be challenged to edit the video into the coolest video clip.
  • Prizes will be awarded for the best video clips submitted.

Venue: Canteen
Date: Saturday, 12 January 2013

The girls’ section will compete in the morning at 8.30 am.
The boys’ section will compete in the afternoon at 13.00 pm.

Participation Fee: $2 per student
For further information, contact your respective Physics teachers.
To learn how to build a gravity car, please visit
